Saturday, May 15, 2010

Manhattan Cocktail Classic Day #1

Well technically I guess its day two. Last night the Manhattan Cocktail Classic kicked off in style with a gala at the New York Public Library. We arrived by cab, laying down since it was impossible to sit in my corset and were greeted by tons of revelers spilling onto the steps of this majestic building. Inside there were bands, friends and lots of Booze!

My favorite area inside was the re-creation of The Stork Club downstairs in the bright air conditioned basement. It was the least claustrophobic room in the place - ironic, for being in the basement! It was also carpeted, great for ladies in high heels, and a dance floor where we could finally kick those heels off!

I tried to see everyone, mostly so they could see how nice I clean up, but after hours of walking around that huge building, I still missed dear friends. And then the strap of my shoe broke, so I took that as my Cinderella moment and went home.

A few hours later I was back dressed for battle in the kitchens of the Astor Center as I was pulling an all day shift batching cocktails for the day's educational seminars. We made punches, classics, contemporary cocktails, and all in mass quantities and under the pressure of time. It was a very tiring day and I can barely keep my eyes open.

And tomorrow I do it all again at the Micro Spirits Odyssey at Butter Restaurant. Tomorrow I get to be a bit more front of house, rather than behind the scenes. But that is exhausting in a totally different way. Today rather than dealing with the public, I dealt with some real pros in the industry. People I admire and respect. It was a wonderful opportunity and I feel like I learned so much. Plus it was super fun working and bonding with the Lovely Ladies of LUPEC from all over the country!

I just wish I had the energy to party with the girls....well tomorrow is another day. Time to catch up on my beauty rest.

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