So I was pleasantly surprised to find myself reminded of that childhood bedroom when I walked into Ella on Ave A in the East Village last night. Oh if only Mom and Dad had let me re-do the bathroom too with this black toilet and 40's technicolor flower wallpaper!
But lets get to the drinks: They are named after Stars of the Studio system and seem heavy on the vodka based, no doubt the assuage the loud 22 year old drunk girls flocking in. Yup there was one right next to me awkwardly flirting with the bartender. Hint: Don't brag about being a "long-time New Yorker" and only 22 years old...you are not. If you really were, you would not be bragging about being a spoiled little rich girl being raised in the city. Oohh...See that? My inner Joan Crawford is coming out! Or maybe its my Ida, played by the fantastic and fiesty Eve Arden. "Personally, Veda's Convinced me that alligators have the right idea. They eat their young"
LOVE the hat, Eve!

The seasonal menu is about to change which is a good thing since the watermelon on the bar seemed hopelessly out of season on this cold and chilly night. There was a drink named the Mildred Pierce (Hendricks, Basil Syrup and lime) but my favorite was the Clark Gable, a blend of Bourbon, lime and sour cherry syrup. It was supposed to be made with Makers, but I saw they had the Wild Turkey 101 and asked that he swap it out. Mr. Gable is more of a Turkey Man, don't ya think? I'll ask my Grammy. She wouldn't kick his shoes out of her bed.
But for now, I think I'll nurse another cocktail and think of Veda's big fight with Mildred:
"You think just because you made a little money you can get a new hairdo and some expensive clothes and turn yourself into a lady. But you can't, because you'll never be anything but a common frump whose father lived over a grocery store and whose mother took in washing. With this money I can get away from you. From you and your chickens and your pies and your kitchens and everything that smells of grease. I can get away form this shack with its cheap furniture. And this town with its dollar days, and its women that wear uniforms and its men that wear overalls."

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