Yhay! My house is my own again! And it is due entirely to the wonder loverly friends and family in my life who come over and remind me how awesome my home is!
I have been having "Family Meal" nights. Its started when my beautiful cousins, who finally moved to NYC, came over in October for a real "Grammy and Gramps style meal" of meat and potatoes. Of course we updated it with a twist from the neighborhood; sweet potatoes and yams and gorgeous fennel salad. These meals are now a regular event at the casa uptown and they are fun! Especially with beautiful cocktails to wash down a fabulous home cooked meal and a rousing game of Bonanza to finish the night!
Last week we had a Cuban theme for the unusually warm weather here in NYC. Cuban Sandwiches, garlicky Yucca, Cuban steak and onions and a gorgeous green salad. We washed it all down with a couple of pitchers of Cuban rum punch (Made with Dominican Rum, Natch!).
Family Meal Punch
Golden Dominican Rum
Lime Juice
Agave Syrup
Orange & Lemon Bitters
Triple sec
Mango Juice
Pomegranate juice
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