Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ring of Fire

I present a Valentine's Day cocktail!  It is spicy, sweet and sour...just like a real love affair!

I saw June Carter Cash sing for Johnny Cash's birthday once.  She came out with her harp and said, "This is a song I wrote about what it is like to be in love with Johnny Cash"  To see this gentle little old lady sing this song, her own composition, to her dying husband...well it just broke my little heart.  I hope one day to be a little old lady who loves someone this much.

Here is the drink:

The Ring of Fire
1 1/2 oz Rougaroux Praline Rum
1/2 oz Willett Rye
1/2 oz cinnamon syrup
3/4 oz Lemon juice
healthy pinch of Cayenne/chili pepper blend

Shake all ingredients and strain into a chilled cocktail glass with a half rim of Cayenne sugar.

1 comment:

Bill Covitz said...

Looks and sounds delish!!!! Can you come to CT today and make it for me??? PLEASE!!!!!! Bill will be in Norway on Valentines, so perhaps I will try to make this for my lonely heart :) Or perhaps I will be lazy and just open a box of wine. Miss you!!!