Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy National Woman's Day!

As a working bartender and a proud member of LUPEC (Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails) I am proud to present the Pink Pisco Sour as the special cocktail tonight in celebration of the passing of the 19th amendment.  It has fresh muddled strawberries and a hint of cherry liqueur.  Like a more saucy Pink Lady.  

The Pink Lady was always the drink on the diner placemats that I wanted to order when I was old enough. By the time I was old enough, I also realized it would take a master mixologist to make gin, heavy cream, egg white and grenadine taste good. I did a fair job today with Pom juice and sugar shaken together into a syrup. But it is a lot of shaking. I can't wait for my steampunk bar with victorian robot shakers. That's gonna be cool!

What will the future hold for women in the next 90 years? Hopefully, more saucy lady bartenders like myself!

Dreaming in Cocktails


Dad said...

Here Here!!
What a delightful blog!

Dad said...

Here Here!!
What a delightful blog!