Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Beaten to the Punch

Once again RyeGirl is riding the wave of the latest NY Times announced trend: Punch. At Thanksgiving there was mulled red wine punch, at the post Thanksgiving feast, a cider/calvados based punch. At the Holidaze Party, a fresh gin champagne punch.

Elaborate ice molds were made using all my silicone cookware and fresh cut fruit. I look forward to sharing cheer in vintage punch bowls at Jen's Birthday party at the Clover Club this year!

Hopefully, I can find a decent punch bowl in the post holiday sales and stop using that fishbowl I stole from Porky's (file under: worst. night. ever.)

Speaking of Punch and punching...enjoy RyeGirl's Favorite Christmas song! Happy Christmas, you Arse!

[NY Times]

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