Thursday, March 06, 2014

King Cake Old Fashioned

Epicurious makes me and SoBou look good.

Mardi Gras has ended here and while I recuperate in bed I will regal you with tales of King Cake babies frozen in Ice cubes.

Yup I create a King Cake Old Fashioned for the Mardi Gras season (Starting on January 6th, Twelfth Night) and the initial response is that the babies in the drink, serving as a garnish, could be a choking hazard.  Not, "What great Idea!  I can't wait to taste it!  What a creative use of local products!  How proud of your job and your new home you must me to create such a wonder form local products!  You have captured all the flavor of a King Cake, without resulting to a sweet cloying cocktail!?!  This one has backbone and bite!"  Choking.  Hazard.  Am I serving Babies now?

Luckily I figured out a creative solution to that too!  I froze the babies in the ice cube.  Needless to say, it was a big hit and I received some wonderful press from it as well!  I have a recipe published on! So go put that in your recipe box!

And check out GoNola's round up of King Cake inspired drinks.

And take me home tonight (cue the Eddie Money song)

And for pete's sake, Sam!  Turn the camera sideways!!!!  I am surrounded by amateurs! (insert sarcastic eye roll here)

1 comment:

Bill Covitz said...

You are amazing, I could hear your voice reading the article!!! Miss you and am working on getting there.....Happy Friday to you, my friend :)